Sunday, December 30, 2012

Off the wagon


So the last few weeks have been BUSY! It's incredible how quickly I revert back to old habits when things are hectic and stressed. I certainly eat when I am stressed and generally crave carbs when stress hits. I haven't weighed in on the scale recently, but I feel bloated and have absolutely no energy. So it will be a return to clean eating tomorrow.

For 2013, my goals for myself will not be related in any way to fitness or dieting. I have found that one bad day is generally enough for me to throw the whole thing out the window. My goal for 2013 is to be more organized. More organized when planning weekly menus, more organized when I actually go shopping, more organized at home, and more organized with the kids. With schedules to keep, homework to do, workouts to fit in, and a mother-in-law to keep in good health (not to mention keeping ourselves healthy), I think the best way to do all of those things is to stay as organized as possible.

In 2012, I had my weekly planner that I faithfully kept up to date all throughout 2012 until December hit. I purchased my 2013 weekly planner and have entered all of the important days and doctors appointments to remember through February. We've set up homework centers for the kids to tackle their nightly homework (thanks to all of Darryl's efforts). All that's missing is good lighting.

Tomorrow we will stock our fridge with all of the healthy fuel for our bodies in preparation for our kids returning to school. And we'll get back to logging our points for our challenge by putting a copy of the spreadsheet on our home computer for easy access.

So while I fell off the wagon over the holidays, I feel more confident in knowing how to get back on. I have all the tools necessary. Now is the time to begin using them.

Happy New Year! 2013 is going to be a great year!!! (And I am going to finish this challenge strong! No way Darryl has a chance of winning!)

Darryl I sit, 2 weeks later. Things not going well and not feeling very motivated to continue with what started so well. The holidays and some other personal issues made the last 2 weeks tough to get up for. I wish I could say that I am feeling good about getting back on this thing, but I am not.

I am hoping there is something out there that will light a fire, maybe it will be the thought of going to a glorified nursery. Who knows.... only time will tell.

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